Saturday, 30 April 2011

Jurassic Park!

Actually, sorry, it's just Crystal Palace Park in beautiful South London. This is one of the fantastic dinosaur sculptures (Iguanodon, to be precise) from 1854 which are dotted around a few islands in a small lake. It's actually quite difficult to draw a creature you don't have any reference images of in your mind already. Fortunately, nor do other people so it doesn't really matter if it's not that accurate!


  1. Absolutely lovely sketch =)

  2. I reckon that's pretty accurate, although I don't think we've been there for 20 years......

  3. What a cool sculpture and a wonderful drawing!


  4. I hadn't seen them for years either (you can see them from the train if you're on the right line), they're still pretty cool!

  5. I love his expression! And thanks for your comment about the bubble painting, though google seems to have swallowed it up now...We decided not to do that with the 3-year olds for that reason, and even just blowing blobs of paint in different directions with straws had one or two hairy moments!
