Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Phew! Long time no post (or sketch!). Which I blame entirely on spending the first half of the year studying for my TEFL diploma... and then just being out of habit. Anyway, I have been forced to get back into it as I have taken over running the drawing club at school! Numbers have been a little disheartening - usually nobody turns up, though I had an impressive 4 students last week!

 In a bid to make it more interesting we are piloting taking students out rather than sitting in a classroom drawing whatever ropey still-life I can cobble together from assorted bits and bobs in the staffroom. So, today it was me and lovely loyal Elina from Japan going off to the V&A for some inspiration. On her request we went to the fashion section, the results of which (well, mine, not hers!) can be seen here. We have a combination of 50s ballgown, Christian Dior dress suit thingy and a 19th century corset.
If you were wondering pt 1: lovely Elina did some super-detailed sketches of a flowery lace headscarf (no copies to upload here, you'll have to take my word for it!). If you were wondering pt 2: Yes there is a bra suspended in mid-air behind the dress in the first picture.